905-709-7979   Thornhill, ON

Tips on addressing any problem with ease with Svitlana Chechel

Treat yourself like you would a friend, a quick tip from Svitlana.

Posted by Be Well Wellness Centre on Friday, March 23, 2018
Stress is all around us; it can get the best of us and often we are not able to problem solve in a calm and effective state. What can we do about this? I often tell my clients to treat yourself like you would a friend; with kindness and compassion. In stressful situations we can be so critical of ourselves which in return lead to more stress and overall low mood. Let’s look into this a bit deeper; when we are critical of our selves the mind keeps finding other problems that were not even there, to break this chain of negative thinking reinforce positive thought.This can be done through treating yourself like you would a fiend. What does that mean exactly it means taking a step back from your problem to oversea what is happening in the here and now. Once we take a step back we are able to address any problem with ease and confidence. If you are s till struggling with problem solving and are unable to address stressful situations with ease we suggest you reach out to your treating therapist and ask about CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy). It’s a great way to challenge your thoughts and understand that you are in control!

Dr. Rudi Chan demonstrates how to relieve a trapezius muscle for headaches and neck pain. Call today to schedule a consultation.

Dr. Rudi ChanMeet Dr.Rudi Chan. He discusses the difference between a Chiropractor and Physiotherapist

Posted by Be Well wellness Centre on Saturday, February 24, 2018
Headaches are among the most frequent pains we share in common, perhaps because they have so many triggers. Emotional stress, bad food choices or even poor posture can all end up in aching, throbbing, or tension pain in our heads. In the trigger point therapy field, we know the secret to relieving headaches often lies in treating the muscles that refer pain into the head. The most important of these muscles is the Upper Trapezius.

Trigger points in the Upper Trapezius cause an important pattern of pain that wraps around the side of the head from the upper neck, over the ear, into the temple and behind the eye (including corner of jaw), hitting most of the common areas we experience headaches. The trigger points often lie dormant (latent) when we aren't having head pain, until they are activated by a certain trigger and our headaches begin. Dr. Rudi Chan demonstrates have to relief the trapezius muscle which is linked to headaches and migraines.

Tips on overcoming anxiety with Svitlana Chechel

Posted by Be Well wellness Centre on Monday, March 5, 2018
Anxiety can be overwhelming and unmanageable, the most common symptoms to having anxiety is sweaty palms, increased heart rate, mix up of words which leads to issues with communication. It may seem in that moment that anxiety is unmanageable, but you are wrong below is a couple of techniques you can do when anxiety creeps up on you. The first step is being aware that you are experiencing anxiety which can be done through knowing the symptoms of anxiety which is listed above. The second step is to acknowledge to yourself that you are experiencing anxiety; you then begin to scan your body to track where the anxiety is sitting. For instance, if it\u2019s in your throat or chest area simply be aware of the area where you are experiencing the tension and start mindfully breathing in and out to the space that is anxious. If anxiety still does not seem manageable through breathing, mediating is another great tool that will help you stay in the present moment. Anxiety simply means you are not in the here and now, which gives you that anxious feeling. We do recommend that if the symptoms are not manageable through the techniques listed below it is advised to consult your health care practitioner or advising therapist to see if Mindfulness Therapy is right for you.